Home Feb 2009
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Board Meeting...

board meeting

Second INCAS Board Meeting in Hyderabad on December 29, 2008

Sitting (Left to Right)

Mr. S.S.Prasad ( Head, Marketing ) Invitee, Prof. Avinash Manoji (Dean, West Zone,INC) Member, Prof. M Bhaskara Rao (Dean, Academic Wing, INC) Member, Prof. Subhash Sarnikar Chairman, INCAS, Prof. R Prasad ( Director, INC) Member, Mr. Sanjay Ramchandani, CFA, (Director,PDD) Member, Prof. Girish Kumar, (Dean, South Zone, INC) Member, Mr.C Sundara Shyam (Consultant (Finance&Accounts)) Invitee.

Standing (Left to Right)

Prof .Sunil Shah (Dean, East Zone,INC)Member, Mr. P Srinivas Prasad (Manager, INCAS) in Attendance, Mr. G. Ram Mohan Rao (General Manager, Alpha Foundation)Invitee, Mr.G V Muralidhara (Sr Consultant,INC,HQ) Invitee, Prof. G Anantram (Regional Head,AP) Invitee,Mr. M Durga Prasad, Member, Mr.Mangesh Bhise, Member, Mr. Romil Kulshresta, Member, Ms Vijayashree, Member, Mr.S.Surinarayanan (Regional Head, Karnataka) Invitee.

INCAS conducted a Board of Governors Meeting on December 29, 2008 at 3.00 pm at Plot No. 63, Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta X Roads, Hyderabad. Prof. Subhash Sarnikar, Chairman, INCAS, chaired the meeting. Prof. Prasad, Director, INC, Prof. M Bhaskara Rao, Dean INC and Convenor, INCAS, Sanjay Ram Chandani, Prof. Girish Kumar, Prof. Sunil Shah, Prof. Avinash Manoji and SS Prasad, were among the dignitaries who attended the meeting. The alumni members, M Durga Prasad, Mangesh Bhise, Vijayasree B and Romil Kulshrestha, also attended the meeting. Prof. G Anantram, Surinarayanan, C Sundara Shyam, GV Muralidhar and Ram Mohan Rao were among the invitees.

Prof. Subhash Sarnikar welcomed all the members for the second meeting of the Board of Governors of INCAS. Prof. Prasad

The Chairman recommended strengthening the Board by inducting more Alumni. He emphasized on the need for their participation and involvement in the Board meetings. Board Members have suggested that at least one CEC member from each Chapter should participate in the meeting.

Prof. Prasad, Director, has summed up the meeting with an emphasis on having two relationship officers in the active Chapters, strengthening CEC quorum at Chapters, enhancing the activities through events and by expanding the portfolio of services from INCAS.

The meeting ended with proposing vote of thanks. Board Meeting Alumni members emphasized on the need to stratify and segment the alumni as per their participation in the INCAS activities. Increasing the member participation for events with focus and drive from both the CEC members and INCAS Relationship Officers was discussed. Ram Mohan Rao, General Manager, Alpha Foundation gave an overview of the activities of the Foundation.

Prof. Bhaskara Rao has briefed the Board on the new initiative, ‘Research Study’ taken up by INCAS in association with MARCH, Marketing Consultancy. He mentioned that a preliminary survey in the form of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) are in progress at identified locations across the country which would be followed by an in-depth study of participation patterns of the Alumni.



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